Compliance is not just a word
The healthcare industry is at the centre of attention. It must adhere to strict internal and external regulations. We at medupha know about the importance of this topic and guarantee compliance with all regulations.
medupha works in compliance with international and national legislation (especially on the topic of data protection), guidelines, and codes of conduct (EphMRA, ESOMAR, ADM).
medupha is a member of
- BVM – Berufsverband deutscher Marktforscher e.V.
- VMÖ – Verband der Marktforscher Österreichs
- VdMI – Verband der Markt- und Meinungsforschungsinstitute Österreichs
As a specialist in the healthcare sector, adherence to
- the guidelines on good pharmacovigilance practices,
- specific compliance guidelines, and
- the code of conduct of the pharmaceutical industry
is the cornerstone of medupha’s everyday work.
Once a year, our employees are trained in pharmacovigilance standards, regulations on reporting potential adverse effects of pharmaceuticals, and product complaints. In addition, project-specific training is carried out upon request of the users (pharmacovigilance, compliance).
In order to guarantee the quality of our work, standardised processes are enshrined in our own SOPs and are, along with the latest versions of relevant guidelines and industry standards, accessible to all employees even after completion of the corresponding training programmes in the medupha organisation guidebook.